How to Fix a Smelly Dishwasher?

What Causes Dishwasher Odors?

Before tackling dishwasher smells, it helps to understand what causes them in the first place. Here are some of the most common culprits:

Trapped Food Particles

Bits of food can get lodged in the drain, filter, spray arms, and other components. As these particles start to rot and decay, they produce foul odors. Foods like fish, eggs, and cheese are especially prone to producing strong smells as they break down.

Mold and Mildew

Standing water, high humidity, and food particles create ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth inside a dishwasher. These growths contribute to unpleasant musty or sour smells.

Mineral Buildup

Hard water deposits and soap scum left behind over time can also lead to odors. Grease and bacteria cling to these deposits, causing a stinky film to form.

Improper Use

Not properly cleaning and loading dishes, overuse of detergent, and infrequent dishwasher runs can all enable smells to develop.

Now that you know why dishwashers get smelly, let’s look at how to thoroughly clean yours and get it odor-free.

Step-by-Step Dishwasher Cleaning

Giving your dishwasher a deep clean attack odors from multiple angles. Here is a complete cleaning process:

1. Remove and Clean the Filter

The filter prevents food particles from circulating during the wash cycle. Remove and scrub it with hot, soapy water to eliminate built-up gunk.

2. Check and Clean the Spray Arms

Clogged spray arm holes can impede cleaning performance. Remove the arms and use a toothpick to clear any blockages.

3. Clean the Interior

Wipe down the racks, walls, gaskets and door with a hot, soapy cloth. Pay extra attention to grimy corners and crevices.

4. Disinfect with Vinegar or Bleach

Run an empty cycle with 2 cups of white vinegar or 1⁄2 cup of bleach to kill odor-causing bacteria.

5. Freshen with Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda in the empty dishwasher and run another cycle to absorb unpleasant odors.

6. Remove Standing Water

Eliminate any stagnant water at the bottom of the tub that could allow mold to grow.

7. Air Dry

After cleaning, prop open the door to allow the interior to fully dry.

Following these steps removes debris, disinfects, deodorizes, and prevents future odors. Be sure to clean all dishwasher components regularly.

Tips to Prevent Smelly Dishwasher Odors

Changing a few habits can stop most dishwasher odors before they start:

  • Thoroughly scrape and rinse dishes before washing
  • Frequently check and clean the filter
  • Regularly wipe down interior surfaces
  • Run dishwasher cleaning cycles monthly
  • Allow the dishwasher to dry completely after use
  • Use rinse aid to prevent residue buildup
  • Only run full loads and use recommended detergent amounts

Common Questions about Smelly Dishwashers

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about eliminating dishwasher odors:

What is the best way to clean a smelly dishwasher?

The most effective approach is a thorough deep clean involving filter cleaning, disinfecting, deodorizing, and removing any standing water. Regular maintenance cleaning also helps.

How do you get rid of mold in a dishwasher?

Using bleach or vinegar cycles helps kill mold and mildew growth. Keeping the interior dry and frequently cleaning food particles also prevents mold.

Why does my dishwasher still smell after cleaning?

If odors persist after cleaning, check that debris is not trapped in hard-to-reach areas like the drain hose, door gasket, and pump. Run additional disinfecting and deodorizing cycles.

How do you clean a dishwasher with baking soda?

Sprinkle 1-2 cups of baking soda across the bottom of the empty dishwasher. Run a hot rinse cycle to allow the baking soda to absorb odors. Wipe out any remaining residue.

How long does it take for vinegar to clean a dishwasher?

Run the dishwasher empty with 2 cups of vinegar in a normal cycle. The vinegar will work to remove odors and buildup as the cycle runs, usually taking 1.5 to 2.5 hours. No other cleaning agents are needed.

Thorough cleaning and preventative habits will keep your dishwasher fresh and odor-free. With some elbow grease and natural cleaning solutions, you can eliminate any lingering smells.

In Conclusion

Unpleasant dishwasher odors can occur from trapped food, mold buildup, poor cleaning habits, and more. Thankfully, with some filter cleaning, disinfecting cycles, baking soda deodorizing, and regular maintenance, you can get rid of smells and prevent their return. Pay attention to problem areas like the filter, spray arms, gaskets, and door to fully eliminate odors. Implementing good loading and cleaning practices will also keep your dishwasher fresh and stench-free.

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